The OCCC’s Education Mission
Today's consumers face an astonishing array of credit products; a basic education in credit products and principles prepares consumers to better understand their choices and obligations. The OCCC understands the need to educate consumers about their rights and responsibilities.
Financial Education Resources
Financial education provides consumers the tools and skills to make informed financial decisions. Consumers who understand their choices and obligations are able to manage their personal finances better and more likely to reach their financial goals. In order to help you achieve those financial goals, the OCCC has built a budgeting worksheet to help get you on track.
The OCCC’s directory of Financial Education Resources is a select list of resource sites that offer financial education programs. The "4 Steps to Financial Recovery" pamphlet highlights a few helpful steps to recover financially and rebuild credit after experiencing a financial setback.
Need a Speaker?
If you would like to learn more about financial education programs or schedule a speaker on credit education for your organization, contact the Education Coordinator at 512-936-7639 or at financial-education@occc.texas.gov. We can make a presentation in-person or online for a group of 10 people or more (English or Spanish).
Financial Education Webinars
Click on the links below to register and view webinar recordings. These webinars are for informational purposes only and do not constitute legal advice.
Preparing Financially for Natural Disasters: Natural disasters can demolish everything in their path, but your finances do not have to be destroyed. Join the Office of Consumer Credit Commissioner and the Texas Department of Banking to learn what consumers can do to minimize the financial hardships of natural disasters.
Consumer Holiday Spending Tips: Learn how to be safe and wise this holiday season by: developing a spending plan, avoiding holiday scams, and paying off seasonal debt. (approx. 15 min)
Credit 101: Learn why you need credit, what factors affect your credit score, and how to get a free copy of your credit report. Also, get some ideas for re-establishing credit and for building wealth. (approx. 20 min)
Making a Streetwise Vehicle Purchase: Join the Texas Office of the Consumer Credit Commissioner as we discuss the cost of vehicle ownership, purchasing/financing options, Texas state and federal laws regarding vehicle ownership, and tips to avoid vehicle-related scams. (approx. 15 min)
Understanding Credit: Credit plays an important role on your financial journey. Learn which factors impact credit reports and scores, get tips on how to access and update credit reports for free, and locate resources for reporting fraud or identity theft. (approx. 30 min)
The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) is the nation's protection agency and works to prevent fraudulent, deceptive and unfair business practices in the marketplace. It protects consumers by stopping unfair, deceptive or fraudulent practices in the marketplace.
Helpful Information
Building A Better Credit Report
If you’re shopping for a car, applying for a job, looking for a home, or simply getting your financial house in order, then it’s time to check your credit report. This Q&A style brochure can help.
Para Lograr un Mejor Informe de Crédito
Si está por comprar un carro o por presentar una solicitud de empleo, o si está buscando una casa, o simplemente está poniendo sus finanzas en orden, entonces es el momento de revisar su informe de crédito. Este folleto redactado en un estilo de preguntas y respuestas puede ayudarlo.
Want Credit To Work For You? Start With These Steps
Learn how to order your credit report, review its accuracy, and dispute any errors that are found. Get tips on establishing credit, building a good credit history, and reporting fraud or identity theft.
¿Quiere que su crédito funcione? Comience dando estos pasos.
Aprenda cómo solicitar su informe de crédito, revisar su precisión y disputar cualquier error que se encuentre. Obtenga consejos sobre cómo establecer crédito, crear un buen historial crediticio y denunciar fraudes o robos de identidad.