Publications and Policy

Below you will find a variety of publications and policy issues that cover material related to the various industries under the Department’s purview as well as material related to the agency and its operations.


Recent and Upcoming Rules

This page includes recent and upcoming rules, as well as notices of upcoming stakeholder meetings on rules.

Official Interpretations

The OCCC has issued official interpretations of certain legal provisions. The official interpretations are approved by the Texas Finance Commission.

Enforcement Actions

The OCCC's legal department brings enforcement actions to ensure compliance with Texas law. This page contains a table of the enforcement actions taken since September 1, 2015.

Attorney General Opinions

This page includes Attorney General Opinions and Requests relevant to the OCCC's jurisdiction.


Rate Related

The Texas Credit Letter is published each Tuesday by the Office of Consumer Credit Commissioner and reports rate ceilings for future weeks.

Financial Services Activity Reports

Financial Activity Reporting for Credit Access Businesses, Debt Management, Pawn Shops, Property Tax Lenders, and Regulated Lenders.

Special Reports

Reports on Availability, Quality, and Pricing of Certain Financial Services and Consumer Loan Products, Special Agency Reports including an Advisory Bulletin on Equifax Data Breach (Sept. 29, 2017).  

Administrative Reports

Agency administrative publications, including the Strategic Plan, Agency Budget, Annual Financial Report, Resource Efficiency Report, Customer Service Report, Audit Report, Audit Plan, and Sunset Advisory Commission Review. 

Procurement Related

Procurement related publications, including the Contract Management Manual, Information Technology Project Management Policy, and Expenditure Disclosure Reporting.