Interest Rates

The following publications and rates are issued by the OCCC

Texas Credit Letter

The Texas Credit Letter is published each Tuesday by the Office of Consumer Credit Commissioner and reports rate ceilings for future weeks.  On a quarterly basis (March, June, September, December), the rates below are calculated on the first of the month by the Consumer Credit Commissioner using the formulas found in the Texas Finance Code, and reported in the first issue of the month in the Texas Credit Letter.

Postjudgment Interest Rate (current) Future Rate (published after the 15th each month)
Weekly Ceiling
Monthly Ceiling
Quarterly Ceiling
Annualized Ceiling

Current Rate Bracket Adjustments     

The interest rate brackets used by the OCCC licensees are adjusted each year to reflect changes in the Consumer Price Index.  These revised ceilings and brackets are published in the Texas Credit Letter typically in February or March and go into effect in July. Historical data for maximum ceilings and bracket amounts for Title 4, Subtitle B can be found in these archived Texas Credit Letters. 

Market Competitive Rate Ceiling

This rate ceiling applies to open-ended retail charge agreements. This rate ceiling structure may be used as an alternative to the maximum rate/amount authorized for a time price differential under Section 345.103.

Rate Charts

As appropriate, rate charts can be found on respective industry pages.