Recent and Upcoming Rules

Below you will find copies of recent and upcoming rules, as well as notices of upcoming stakeholder meetings on rules. Video of stakeholder webinars is available here. Rules that have gone into effect are available in the Texas Administrative Code.

If you'd like to be included on an email list for OCCC rule updates, send an email to, stating which industry you'd like rule updates on (e.g., motor vehicle sales finance, credit access businesses).


Rule Review Notice

TFEE Rule Review (posted July 5, 2024)
The OCCC intends to conduct a rule review regarding the Texas Financial Education Endowment (TFEE). The OCCC will accept informal comments on the rule review until August 1 at 5:00 p.m.


Precomment Draft & Meeting Notice

Motor Vehicle Rule Review (posted July 17, 2024)
On July 29, the OCCC will hold an online webinar on these rule amendments resulting from the motor vehicle sales finance rule review. The OCCC will accept informal precomments until July 30.



Home Equity Lending Rule Review (posted June 14, 2024)
The Finance Commission voted to publish these amendments for comment at its June 21 meeting. The Credit Union Commission voted to publish the amendments at its July 19 meeting. The official comment period will begin on August 2 (when the amendments are published in the Texas Register) and will end on September 1.

Summary: This amendment explains that a formal petition for a home equity lending interpretation must be filed with the Department of Savings and Mortgage Lending.

Resumen en español: Esta enmienda explica que se debe presentar una petición formal para una interpretación de préstamo con garantía hipotecaria ante el Departamento de Ahorros y Préstamos Hipotecarios.

Contested Case Rule Review (published July 5, 2024)
The Finance Commission voted to publish these amendments for comment at its June 21 meeting. The state finance agencies will accept official comments on the proposed amendments until August 5.

Summary: The Finance Commission reviewed its rules for contested cases. These proposed amendments are based on the rule review. These amendments include updated terminology and legal citations relating to contested cases, including defaults before the State Office of Administrative Hearings (SOAH).

Resumen en español: La Comisión de Finanzas revisó sus reglas para casos impugnados. Estas enmiendas propuestas se basan en la revisión de las reglas. Estas enmiendas incluyen terminología actualizada y referencias legales relacionadas con casos impugnados, incluyendo casos por default ante la Oficina Estatal de Audiencias Administrativas (SOAH).

Contract Procedure Rule Review (posted July 5, 2024)
The Finance Commission voted to publish these amendments for comment at its June 21 meeting. The state finance agencies will accept official comments on the proposed amendments until August 5.

Summary: The Finance Commission reviewed its rules for contracting by the state finance agencies. These proposed amendments are based on the rule review. These amendments describe how agencies identify contracts that require enhanced monitoring. These amendments also include technical corrections and updates.

Resumen en español: La Comisión de Finanzas revisó sus reglas para la contratación por parte de las agencias financieras estatales. Estas enmiendas propuestas se basan en la revisión de las reglas. Estas enmiendas describen como las agencias identificarían los contratos que requieren seguimiento reforzado. Las enmiendas también harían otras correcciones técnicas y actualizaciones.

Registered Creditor Documentary Fee Rule (published May 3, 2024)
The Finance Commission voted to publish these rule amendments for comment at its April 19 meeting. The deadline for official comments was June 2. Video of the OCCC's March 26 webinar on the amendments is available here.

Summary: These proposed amendments deal with documentary fees for retail installment contracts to purchase motorcycles, boats, all-terrain vehicles, and certain other vehicles. The amendments would adjust the maximum documentary fee for purchasing a land vehicle or watercraft to $200. The amendments would adjust the maximum documentary fee for purchasing both types of vehicles to $250.

Resumen en español: Estas enmiendas propuestas tratan con los honorarios de documentación para los contratos de venta a plazos al por menor de motocicletas, embarcaciones, vehículos todoterreno y otros vehículos determinados. Las enmiendas ajustarían la cantidad máxima de los honorarios de documentación a $200 en la compra de un vehículo terrestre o embarcación. Las enmiendas ajustarían la cantidad máxima de los honorarios de documentación a $250 para la compra de ambos tipos de vehículos.

Recently Adopted Rules (2023-2024)

Rule Effective Date
Motor Vehicle Documentary Fee Rule July 11, 2024
Regulated Lender Fee Rules July 11, 2024
Credit Access Business Rule Review March 7, 2024
Motor Vehicle Recordkeeping Rules Jan. 4, 2024
Pawnshop Employee Military Licensing Rule Nov. 16, 2023
RMLO Military Licensing Rule Nov. 16, 2023
Registered Creditor Fee Rule Sept. 7, 2023
Plain Language Rule Review Jan. 5, 2023