Display Kits

Required for Pawnshops - Pawnshops are required to maintain a consumer education display for each location in an area easily accessible by customers. OCCC (Office of Consumer Credit Commissioner) examiners check each location for the display kit to ensure it is filled with OCCC brochures and agency cards. If you do not have a display kit, please be advised that you are required to purchase one and display it in each of your stores to stay in compliance with state regulations. You may have ordered but not yet received your kit when your shop is examined, so be sure to make a copy of your order request as proof that you are waiting for your materials and are in compliance.  

If you prefer to print your own consumer brochures, click here.

Provided with New Licenses - The educational materials are provided by the OCCC, as are frames to display the materials. The display frames hold brochures and business cards with the OCCC's contact information. A display kit (the frame plus materials) is provided free of charge to each new licensee.

Replacements - If your location has lost or damaged its display kit, you will need to order a replacement.  

Ordering information

Cost- $25 (kits will not be mailed prior to payment being received by OCCC)

Payment Types:

  • Use the Brochure Order Form to request an order by email and pay through ALECS. (ordering instructions) If you would like to mail in a check or money order please fill out and print the Brochure Order Form and mail to: Attn: Financial Education Coordinator, 2601 N. Lamar Blvd., Austin, TX 78705.

To place an order, please email the completed form to financial_education@occc.texas.gov

Relevant statute

Following is the section of the Texas Pawnshop Act addressing the display kit requirement:

§371.183. CONSUMER INFORMATION. The Finance Commission of Texas by rule may require a pawnshop to display, in an area in the pawnshop accessible to a consumer, materials provided by the commissioner that are designed to:

(1) inform a consumer of the duties, rights, and responsibilities of parties to a transaction regulated by the commissioner; and

(2) inform and assist a robbery, burglary, or theft victim.